Friday, December 27, 2019

The Rumor of Rapists Luring Victims With a Crying Child

Several viral messages that have been circulating, through email and social media since 2005, claim that gang members in various parts of the world have begun using crying children. This claim surrounds the idea that they are pretending to be lost or in distress to lure female victims to secluded places to be assaulted. Police have repeatedly stated that there is no evidence that such tactics are being used by rapists. This viral text and email rumor is considered false and includes several examples over the years, with versions from 2005, 2011, and 2014. See these versions below, review the analysis of the rumor, and learn how viral rape warnings can be misleading. The 2014 Example As Shared on Facebook ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES:If you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! Take him straight to the police station for this is the new gang way of Kidnap and rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families and friends.Repost this please! The 2011 Example As Received Through Email FW: Fox News Alert - Please Read!FROM CNN FOX NEWSThis is from the County Sheriff Department please read this message very carefully.This message is for any lady who goes to work, college or school or even driving or walking the streets alone.-If you find a young person crying on the road showing you their address and is asking you to take them to that address... take that child to the POLICE STATION!! No matter what you do, DONT go to that address. This is a new way for gang members to rape women. Please forward this message to all ladies guys so that they can inform their sisters friends. Please dont feel shy to forward this message. Our 1 message may save a life. Published by CNN FOX NEWS (Please circulate)..**Please DO NOT IGNORE! The 2005 Example As Delivered by Email Subject: New Rape Case TacticHi everyone, I am not sure when did this happen, but it is best to be careful and safety comes first.She was just discharged from the hospital...Today after office hours, I heard from my sister-in-law that there is a new way to rape women It happened to one of our good friends The girl left the office after working hours and saw a little child crying on the road Feeling pity for the child, she went and ask what happened The child said, I am lost. Can you take me home please? Then the child gave her a slip and tell the girl where the address is. And the girl, being an average kind person, didnt suspect anything and took the child there.And there when it arrived the childs home, she pressed the door bell, yet she was shocked as it the bell was wired with high voltage, and fainted. The next day when she woke up, she found herself in an empty house up in the hills, naked.She has never even get to see the face of the attacker... Thats why nowadays crimes are t argeted on kind peopleNext time if the same situation occurs, never bring the child to the intended place. If the child insist, then bring the child to the police station. Lost child are best to send to police stations.Please send this to all your female friends.(my extra note: guys, please tell your mom, your sister, your wife and your girlfriends too!) Analysis of the Viral Message Rumors Even though recent variants of this rumor have been shared under the guise of police warnings or sheriffs department warnings, no reports have been found. This includes documented cases in which rapists actually used, or even attempted to use, crying children as bait to lure female victims. Law enforcement officials have repeatedly denounced these warnings as hoaxes. The earliest version of the hoax was forwarded in 2005 by a reporter in Singapore who had already identified it as an urban legend. Within a month it had made its way to South Africa, and by May 2005 more copies began to circulate from readers in the United States. As of 2013, eight years later, law enforcement agencies were still fielding inquiries about it from El Paso to Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Viral Rape Warnings Can Be Misleading and Dangerous People sometimes defend viral warnings like these by arguing that, even if false in their particulars, they remind women to keep their wits about them and be careful and that it cant hurt. What weakens that argument is that the false warnings are, in fact, specific. To the degree that potential victims are persuaded to focus their attention on a crying child as a sign that an attacker may be nearby, the more likely it is that theyll be inattentive to other cues, such as real cues, that theyre in danger.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Persuasive Essay On Refugees - 973 Words

According to UNHCR, a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries. When people flee their own country, and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum – the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance. An asylum seeker must demonstrate that his or her fear of persecution in his or her home country is†¦show more content†¦On the one hand, countries such as Sweden or Germany proclaimed themselves in favor of accepting refugees, which was in accordance with international obligations. On the other hand, the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hung ary, Poland and Slovakia) were definitely for tightening their boundaries and for helping the refugees only in the places they actually were. In the attempts to â€Å"manage the immigrant crisis† several strategic mistakes have been made, which have shaken the functioning of migration policy in the European community. Particular controversy was stirred up by a plan for the relocation of 120,000 refugees suggested in September 2015. Some months later (April/May 2016), the European Commission came up with the idea of fines for those countries which would not receive the relocated refugees. The fine for one unaccepted foreigner was supposed to be â‚ ¬250,000. The attempt to impose a quota of immigrants on member countries together with high fines contributed to further divisions inside the EU. Freely accepting the migrants would be a much better solution. Moreover, distribution of refugees calculated according to host country population or gross domestic product was a gross simplification and unworkable. Also, possibilities of integration of the migrants in particular countries should be taken into consideration. Equally important is the dialogue of all the 28 EU member countries concerning common solutions for asylum policy. Additionally, theShow MoreRelatedRefugees Persuasive Essay1220 Words   |  5 PagesRefugees should be allowed into the United States under certain conditions only, including a positive background, Eligible for a job and will respect our nation as well as the people in it. Just imagine that your little town is being attacked or even a natural disaster may be occurring and having nowhere to go, what would you do? How would you survive? 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The Slippery Slope relies on the faulty conclusion that a small change â€Å"will inevitably lead to large changes that are widely recognized as undesirable† (Gunderman). A Slippery Slope example is: if we let in more Syrian refugees we will inevitably let in many terrorists and then American will fall under terrorist control. Another illegitimate argument Logical Fallacy is the Hasty Generalization. This fallacy relies on â€Å"insufficient or biased inf ormation† the conclusion isRead MoreThreats to Bioreserves4807 Words   |  20 PagesAbstract Eight global crises – human economy, climate change, exponential human population growth, ecological overshoot, biotic impoverishment and the reduction of biodiversity, renewable resource depletion, energy allocation, and environmental refugees – affect each other and affect and are affected by the biosphere. Some, perhaps all, are close to tipping points that, if tipped, will result in irreversible change. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Performance & Quality EvaluationHim Department Quality Plan

Question: Scenario: You have just been hired as the HIM Quality Coordinator. This is a new position in the HIM Department. Your job tasks read as follows: Develop and implement the HIM Department Quality Plan Develop data collection, date analysis, and data presentation tools for use in the quality plan. Report findings to the HIM Director, Administration, Medical Staff Director, and Medical Staff Committees as appropriate. Answer: New plan suggested for HIM department As a HIM quality coordinator of hospital, the new plan suggested is electronic based database and HIE. Electronic database process will help in storing all information in a hierarchy manner. Apart from this, it will also help in managing and checking other processes. Human information exchange process will help quality management. And they will also help in maintaining other attributes. Apart from this, HIE process will also help in auditing process of every element. Regarding the scanning backlog the new plan suggested is electronic database system and other related database (Armentrout Armentrout, 2009). On the other hand, billing system of hospital can be improved by this electronic database system. Bills information is stored in system, then depositing due date can be recognized easily. The coding system can be improved by providing training to new employees. It will help new employees to know about organization and their working. In addition to this, their roles and responsibil ities should also be taught them properly. On the other hand, information release process can be improved by online database system or electronic database system. This process will help to store all information properly and can be extracted also easily. The other process, that is, transcription process or outsourcing process. It can be improved by providing proper requirement details. And it will help Insourcing Company to know about demand and delivery as per it. Apart from it new employees should be provided proper initial training about their duties. People involved in new plan The people involved in this plan will be every employee present in organization. As mentioned by Ansel (2010), new plan implemented can only be successful. When all employees are involved in coordination. The structure of the people involved in this organization are as Diagram 1: People involved in implementation process of new plan in organization Reporting mechanism According to this new plan, the reporting will be done to head of the organization at last. But, before that all departments will be updated. For example, suppose pharmaceutical department of hospitals bills are to be paid in two days. Then the information will be displayed in reminder in all department and mainly in billing department. After the clearing of bills. They will be updated in database (Fottler et al., 2010). And at the end this report will be shown to head of department and organization. Reporting in new plans will be done in database and information will be updated. Then final report will be displayed to all departments. Reporting person or department After the implementation of new plans in system, the reporting style will also be changed. In context to this (Blair et al., 2011) stated, changes in policies and working style help in improving quality of work and others. So, the new plan will change support system in organization. The new plan in every department will help their working environment and style. For example, coding department changes other support system. The training is the suggested method for coding system. Training will help every coder to improve the productivity and performance. Apart from this, it will also help other systems of hospital. Estimated accuracy rates The estimated accuracy rates of these new plans are much better than old plans. As mentioned in case study, the main problem in organization is due to information improper storage and maintenance. So, is information is stored properly, quality of organization will be improved. Methods used for solving problem To solve the problem new plan implementation is very important in the organization. The training process will help their new and old employees. In case of old employees, training will work as a motivational factor (Horowitz, 2010). On the other hand, training in case of new employees, will help them as positive factor. Training will help new employees to know about their duties and responsibilities. Outcome from monitoring process The outcome of monitoring process is as- it will help to analyse the working process of organization. It will also help in gap analysis process (Zafar, 2013). Apart from this, monitoring process will help in evaluating the complete support process of organization. For example, coding system monitoring help in knowing the error and fault, while code developing and execution. Monitoring process frequency Monitoring process in hospital should be conducted regularly. In case of information and data, monitoring should be done daily. Day to day monitoring of information will help to know about mistakes and error. On the other hand, in case of system and organisational process, monitoring should be done regularly basis. Reporting process frequency or duration The reporting process of will help to create report of the monitoring process. And it will help to analyse current performance with past performance. And it will also help in analysing the working style and environment effect on organizational performance. Investigation process As mentioned by (Ginter et al., 2013), investigation process is also one of the monitoring process. It helps to know about performance of organization and their support system. This process will also help in analysing the complete organizational process and culture. Quality building process in new plan The new plan will help in improving the quality of the organizational working level and others (Hefner et al., 2014). As the main focus of new plan is on quality improvement and productivity improvement of hospital. Problems as per priority As per the problems stated in case study, the priority list of these problems are as Organizational experts should try to clear due bills and implement the new plan as soon as possible. Coding system should be improved, as other systems are based on it. Scanning of information and data should be done properly The release of the information help organization to coordinate their work. So it should be improved. Later on, organization should improve their outsourcing process. References Ansel, H. (2010). Pharmaceutical calculations. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Armentrout, D., Armentrout, P. (2009). The hospital. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Pub. Blair, J., Fottler, M., Savage, G. (2011). Biennial review of health care management. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Fottler, M., Khatri, N., Savage, G. (2010). Strategic human resource management in health care. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Ginter, P., Duncan, W., Swayne, L. (2013). Strategic management of health care organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Wiley. Hefner, J., Huerta, T., McAlearney, A. (2014) Population health management in health care organizations. Horowitz, M. (2010). Health care management. New York: Ferguson. Zafar, H. (2013). Human resource information systems: Information security concerns for organizations. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 105-113. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2012.06.010

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Machiavelli And Plato Essays - Italian Politicians, Machiavellianism

Machiavelli And Plato Niccolio Machiavelli (Born May 3rd, 1469 1527 Florence, Italy.) His writings have been the source of dispute amongst scholars due to the ambiguity of his analogy of the Nature of Politics and the implication of morality. The Prince, has been criticised due to its seemingly amoral political suggestiveness, however after further scrutiny of other works such as The Discourses, one can argue that it was Machiavellis intention to infact imply a positive political morality. Therefore the question needs to be posed. Is Machiavelli a political amoralist? To successfully answer this it is essential to analyse his version of political structure to establish a possible bias. It would also be beneficial to discuss and compare another philosophers account to the nature of politics, and in this instance I have chosen the works of Plato in particular The Republic, establishing a comparison to define whom has the more convincing argument and why? Machiavelli lived amidst a deteriorating, corrupt, totalitarian, 16th Century political infrastructure when The Prince was composed. Its original intention was simply to influence Lorenzo The Magnificent son of Piero Di Medici in the hope for possible appointment within public office. The Prince is therefore merely suggestions on possible theories in terms of a governing policy.He does not infer that this account is the be all and end all of successful rule and acknowledges himself as a humble man who has taken the time to study the deeds of great men to form an ideology that can be taken by the reader, in this case Lorenzo Medici as he interprets it.He does not claim to have the answer to politics just a different perspective by way of analyses of the past and present. I have been unable to find among my possessions anything, which I hold so dear or esteem so highly as that knowledge of the deeds of great men, which I have acquired through a long experience of modern events and a co nstant study of the past. (Social and Political Philosophy. Somerville and Santoni p.101) It is from this initial examination of politics from a purely scientific and rational perspective that Machiavelli has been named the founder of analysing politics as a science. However his reputation has been unfairly appointed due to a misinterpretation of his work. If read in context The Prince is a dissection of reasoning in relation to the success or demise within a governing body (central power) and suggests potential strategies to insure a successful unified central power. It is essential prior to judgement on whether Machiavelli is a political amoralist or not to take into account The Discourses and the essence of their meaning. The Prince alone I grant can be mistaken for a how-to-be-a tyrant handbook with its absolute theories and some what lack of civility, where the end justifies the means. But its intention is assuming the political leader is already of moral standing and possess s uch qualities of integrity and virtue to be expected of one in the position of leadership. Everybody sees what you appear to be,few feel what you are,and those few will not dare to oppose themselves to the many,who have the majesty of the state to defend them;and in the actions of men,and especially of princes,from which there is no appeal, the end justifies the means Thus it is well to seem merciful,faithful humane,sincere,religious and also to be so. Effectively what seems as ruling with an iron fist is best expressed in terms of need. The 16th Century political unrest Machiavelli is influenced by would best be unified by such absolute power due to its degradation and lack of structure. So therefore it would not be seen as immoral with respect to its time. And looking at it from a wider more advanced perspective although the technique may appear rigid if it creates the desired unification of Italy and a situation where the people have stability and social, political and economical order, it is then just the process that has been judged as immoral but not the outcome. In the introduction of The Discourses writes, Although the envious nature of men, so prompt to blame and so slow to praise, makes the discovery and introduction